Tia: Unmedicated Hospital Birth Followed By Accidental Home Birth
Tia from North Carolina joins us on this week’s episode as she shares the birth stories of her two children, now 19 and 13 years old! She always wanted to be a mother and after finding out she was pregnant, she remembers thinking her life has officially changed forever. Tia had wanted to be a midwife at that time in her life so she was very prepared for her first birth. She had her baby on her exact due date in an unmedicated and uncomplicated delivery.
Tia was married to her second husband when her daughter was around 4 and was pregnant soon after. She found out she had an issue with her thyroid at her six week appointment. They discovered that her pregnancy had triggered Grave’s Disease, an autoimmune disorder. Tia started feeling contractions at 9 weeks pregnant which continued throughout her entire pregnancy. Tia was unaware she was even in labor during a party at her house when she was 39 weeks. She was even playing Rock Band! By the time she realized what was happening after her friends had gone home, she was ready to push. Her husband called the ambulance as Tia pushed twice in her bathroom and her second baby was born. Although it was quick, it was very peaceful and everything happened the way it was supposed to.
She now resides in North Carolina with her son and husband, while her daughter is serving in the Army in California. She enjoys photography for women, and Money Coaching for Women. She has struggled with some health concerns over the past few years but has worked and fought hard for her health.