Brie: Unexpected “Womb-Mate”, Issues with Epidural

On today’s episode our guest Brie shares her birth story of her 10 month old son, Dax! Brie believed she was always going to be fun Aunt B and never believed children were in the cards for her. In early 2021, after experiencing some menopause signs, Brie made an appointment with her OBGYN for what she kept hearing as her “confirmation appointment”. By the end of her appointment, she realized this was a pregnancy confirmation appointment and was in shock. Her pregnancy went on without really announcing it and did not bond with her “womb mate”. When labor began and the epidural was placed, she felt as if she was not listened to as her right leg started to feel a very sharp pain. After a long labor and delivery, she met her beautiful son and was in absolute love from that moment on! Brie went through many emotions throughout the entire pregnancy, birth and postpartum and she shares it all in this week’s episode.