Kelly Stary: Part 2 Infection After C-Section, Postpartum Anxiety, Planning for Baby #2

This is part 2 of Kelly Stary’s birth story. In part 1 Kelly told us about her prolonged pushing leading to an emergency c-section. She developed an infection during all of this and continued to be in immense pain. When she was released form the hospital on pain meds, she was in and out of consciousness if she was late on her meds by even 10 minutes. The pain got so bad she called an ambulance to take her back to the hospital.

Kelly continues her postpartum story in this episode. She spent 5 days in the hospital fighting off the infection after her care was transferred to the Infectious Disease doctors. Her postpartum anxiety grew as she attempted to breastfeed which led to 3 months of exclusive pumping. 

She knew she wanted to have another child close in age and found out they were pregnant with their son when Stella was 8 months old. He was a planned cesarean and things were smooth from the beginning. Stella and Sam are now the best of friends and Kelley is rocking it as a mom of two, who also runs a successful Instagram – @traveling.with.babies – giving parents all the tips and tricks it comes to….you guessed it! Traveling with Babies!

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