Welcome to the Podcast

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You’ll love listening if…

  • you are an expecting parent and you want to be better prepared for birth and postpartum
  • you are looking for an authentic community that understands your story
  • you just like birth stories!

Featured Episodes


Twin Pregnancy, 5+ weeks of Bedrest, Delivery at 33 weeks and NICU Stay at the Beginning of Covid-19

alissa alter

Sunny-Side Up Stalls Labor, Fundal Pressure, Heavy Bleeding and a 4th Degree Tear

hannah m.

Fast Labor Turns Into surprise home birth






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The Hosts

We are two average Midwest moms having authentic conversations surrounding birth stories. We’re here to laugh with you, cry with you, and hold space for you while normalizing all of the unknowns that have caused us to pivot through this empowering journey through parenthood!

Tune in for conversations that go deeper than what you learned in your birthing class or see on Instagram. Our goal is to help parents be better prepared and bring the village to you!

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